First Day of Skate Competition: Preliminaries June 22, 2012
Begins on June 22, 4-8 PM at Wakefield Skate Park
8100 Braddock Road Annandale, Virgina
Check-in is from 3-6 PM.
(Must arrive by 6pm to sign up, late arrivals will skate at the end of the night).
Have your Registration fee - $30
Note: There is one registration fee $25. Includes both events, Sk8 for a Cause and Skate Competition (You can participate in one or both).
Includes a free SkateFest T-Shirt and access to over $20,000 in Prizes. Everyone who rides in Sk8 for a Cause receives prizes.
All Participants MUST be present for Preliminaries to participate
Final Day of Skate Competition: Finals June 23, 2012
• Begins June 23, at 2 PM - 7 PM at Wakefield Skate Park• Final Competition Rounds will be held through out the day
• Game of S.K.A.T.E. 11am-12:30pm
The Skate Competition is open to 4 Age-Group Brackets:
11 and Under
14 and Under
18 and Under
19 and over
And Five Event Categories:
Half Pipe Jam
Best Trick Contest Sponsored by Tork Trux
Park/Street Course
FSS Skate Team Tryout
Game of S.K.A.T.E. (Beginner and Advanced)
Minimum $10 in donations. Get your Family, friends
neighbors or businesses to sponsor you. Download the "sponsor form on
our website.
Prizes are also awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
for each event in each age bracket.
Participants may only enter in one age-group bracket, and one,or more (or ALL!) competition categories. On the Main Festival Day, June 23, 2012 finals for the skate competition will begin at 2 PM and will be held throughout the day.
Skateboard Competition Registration Info
Wakefield Skate Park on June 22, 2012 (Qualification Rounds)
Registration: 3:00 PM. Event: 4:00 PM (Continues on June 24)
Registration fee: $30.
Includes both events Sk8 for a Cause and Skate Competition plus a free SkateFest T-Shirt and access to over $10,000 in prizes.
Age Brackets: 11 and Under, 14 and under, 18 and under, 19 and over
Events: Half Pipe Jam, Street Course, Best Trick, Skate Team Tryout
Enter as many as you wish.
Earn Prizes (Win 2 ways):
Donations: Get your family, friends, neighbors, or businesses to sponsor you.
Download the sponsor form on our website.
Place in your event: Prizes are also awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each event in each age bracket.
Prizes will be awarded to top finishers in every age bracket for each competition category, totaling over $10,000 in giveaways!
Top Prize:
4-6 Skaters will be chosen to join the Fairfax Surf Shop Team w/ full FSS Sponsorship!