How did SkateFest come about?
DMC Companies, Inc. (Fairfax Surf Shop and owner Dan Callahan sat down seven years ago with his employees to talk about the need for a skate competition or activity that skate fans of all ages could come together to skate and also contribute to a charity. In 1987, Callahan's newborn son was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid inside the skull that leads to brain swelling. Neurologists at Children's National Medical Center in Wash., D.C. saved his son's life by performing brain surgery and placing a shunt in the newborn's head. The hospital provided care for his son until the age of 19. It was an easy decision to make Children's National the beneficiary of the new Skatefest event. Many individuals with similar stories and connections to Children's National come out every year and support Skatefest's cause.

How does Sk8 for a Cause work?
Skaters gather as many family, friends, neighbors, companies, etc. to sign a sponsor form along with a donation to Children's National to sponsor their participation in the Sk8 for a Cause ride along a check-pointed route all across Wakefield Park. In the past participants have ranged from ages 5-50. The 2013 route is going to be packed with stops along the way with prizes from a variety of sponsors and skateboard companies for all riders.

How does the skate competition work?
The skate competition is broken down into 4 events, Half Pipe Jam, Best Trick, Street Course, and Game of S.K.A.T.E. along with the chance for skaters to showcase themselves for a chance to make the Fairfax Surf Shop skate team. Skaters of all ability levels are encouraged to compete. The skaters are separated into four age brackets to compete in the events (U11, U14, U18, and 19 & over) except the Game of S.K.A.T.E. which is only beginner and advanced.

What else is there to do for family and friends?
On Saturday, the day of the main event, Sk8 for a Cause and the Skate Competition are the center of a surrounding festival filled with food, product and entertainment vendors, music, carnival games, moon bounces and more. There are also auctions which benefit Children's National Medical Center. These include a variety of skateboarding and non-skateboarding products and packages.

How can I register to participate in Skatefest?
Visit and click on the Register tab.

What does it cost to attend Skatefest?
Attendance is free. All are welcome to give donations to Children's National and enter raffles or auctions!

What does it cost to participate in Skatefest?
Register before Skatefest (June 21-22) and pay $25. Register at Skatefest (June 21-22) and pay $30.

What does my registration fee include?
The registration fee includes the option to participate in BOTH Sk8 for a Cause and the Skate Competition. You can participate in one or both events. All participants get a Skatefest T-shirt and access to over $25,000 in prizes.